bléuscape design

Crossroad House is Coming 2017…

2017 is shaping up to be a very exciting year for Bleuscape Design and our associated clients. After almost 13 years in practice, one comes into contact with many like-minded people that share the same visions for life and business.
I would like to publicly thank Brian and Ted Reid from CHP for their continual belief in me and my ideas, particularly around low-cost housing.
Also, our colleagues and Crossroad House clients, Josh Chaston and Bed Window who are putting their weight and money behind the design. Together we will be constructing the first Crossroad House in Queensland at a Stockland estate called Newport, near Redcliffe.
It comes at a time when newness is very much needed in the volume housing industry. This home will showcase years of my research into cost efficient, livable design. In my opinion, it is relatively easy to create a scheme that has an open checkbook, however, design a site-specific, sustainable home for $1200p/m2, and you have something special.
When complete, the Crossroad house will be opened to the public for viewing by appointment. Accompanying it will be a case-study book that will speak of its journey from concept to completion. This will be available for purchase on Amazon or as a hard copy. We will notify you all when it is ready.
During the year we will also be releasing social media images of the house's construction and fabrication. I hope you enjoy the journey as it plays out!

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