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Crossroad Share House

With the range of projects we have worked on this year (2017), perhaps the most important are thoughts that enable occupants to move forward financially. We all know that in Australia, we face a concerning housing affordability crisis. 

In October we were introduced to a man who is systematically solving this problem. Greg Cree runs an NGO called ‘Project 4 Change’. Essentially, his organization uses private investment and donations outside government involvement to raise equity for housing projects.

His model provides a continuous and flexible pathway – from rental to purchase as well as aging in place.

‘We build complex, diverse communities designed to suit the people in greatest need – including people on waiting lists for social housing, people facing housing crisis, people with disabilities, people who have experienced domestic violence and the elderly.’ – Greg Cree

Bleuscape’s partnership with Project 4 Change has seen a continued evolution of our Crossroad Concept. Please see the following link for more information.

The fact is, design can play an exciting role when bolstering the dignity of those with specific housing needs. Our direction with this commission was to enhance comfort through an architecture that deflects attention from itself emphasizing livability and fostering community.

Much like the original Crossroad philosophy, this design allows for distinctive thoroughfares or breezeways for the capturing of airflow no matter the orientation. Light plays a role too via courtyards and concealed lightwells.

Public spaces are divided into breakout zones where the occupants can choose to engage or retreat depending on their day to day needs. Additionally, these same locations, due to their positioning, offer various options as the season's transition.

An enhanced quality of living via sensory responses to design has been our primary focus. We can’t wait to see what the future holds as the concepts transition into reality in 2018. 

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