Mt Cotton Wing House
What is it about concrete that is so attractive to design enthusiasts. Is it the permanency of its form, its rugged aesthetic, its structural strength? I think it can be all of the above. However, there is one more that is often under prescribed; and this is ‘mood’.
There is nothing quite like the way light falls across off-form concrete. In essence, it is the perfect backdrop material. Lewis Kahn once said, ‘The sun never knew how great it was until it hit the side of a building.’
I believe this is why late 20th century architects like LeCorbusier, Carlos Scarpa and Kahn used it so prolifically. Their buildings remain, standing tall and robust with a majestic, ethereal monumentality. Their masterful use of concrete enables a sense of timelessness.
Our 2017 Wing House, soon to be built in Mount Cotton, South East Queensland, attempts to explore the beauty of concrete and how it can enhance mood. Slanted wall shards draw in the light and create a strong contrasting shadow. This light is then reflected off water or filtered through landscape. As the day changes, so does the effect of light against the rawness of solid forms.
Status: Design Development