Never afraid of unconventional shapes and design techniques, Frank Gehry has wow'ed the world again with a stunning geometrically complex building for the Louis Vuitton Foundation. The images being published so far are a strong indication that it will not disappoint. The building is due to open late 2014. Enjoy!
The new museum for the foundation will have a permanent collection and will organize temporary exhibitions of the work of established and contemporary artists. Suzanne Pagé, the former director of the Musée d’Art Moderne of the City of Paris, is the foundation’s artistic director.
Sixty-five thousand square feet of exhibition space will contain modern and contemporary art, as well as original commissions produced specifically for the space. The center will also contain spaces for research, documentation, and teaching.
Gehry’s design, called The Cloud, recalls the Guggenheim Museum in Bilbao and his Walt Disney Concert Hall, in Los Angeles, but the most important difference is that the new bulding will be covered in glass, not titanium.