bléuscape design

Jed’s Masterpiece

Recently, my four-year-old son Jed has been expressing interest in what I do for a living, so yesterday I decided to start teaching him the basics of Google Sketch-up (3D design software). He grasped the fundamentals very quickly and learned how to navigate with the mouse, produce forms and change their colours.

I let him muck around on it for a while by himself fully expecting that when I came out -  about half an hour later - he would be outside doing something else. To my amazement he was still intensely focused on the screen. When I asked him how it was going, he called me over and showed me this:


I was absolutely staggered. Ever since Jed could play with blocks I have been amazed at his ability to create interesting forms with relatively simple things. I think it is incredible what the unadulterated minds of children can produce.


Picasso once said, ‘Every child is born an artist. The trouble is remaining an artist when you grow up’.

I look forward to seeing what else he comes up with considering this was his first ‘mansion’, as he calls it. Love your work Jed, you're amazing!!!



12 Responses to Jed’s Masterpiece

  1. Hi Bill and Kris,
    Thanks for the comments. Bill, obviously you are entitled to your opinion, but I would have to side with what Kris said. Too often we are quick to judge the level of ability and creativity in our children. This is one of the reasons that causes them to doubt their abilities. It is said that the years of a childs creative potential are formed between 0-6. Jed is 4 and as his dad it thrills me to think that:
    1) he is interested in my work to the extent of wanting to give it ago himself.
    2) His initial attempts are in many respects quite amazing for his age. I could show you more of his designs. In fact, I will attempt to post some more soon.
    If you haven’t already heard of it, you should read the book ‘The Element’ By Sir Ken Robinson. It is all about people that despite criticism, and in some cases, extreme odds persisted in following their passions and changed the world. In the book, it is uncanny how many children went on to do astounding things with the backing of their parents emotional support. We don’t know who we are rising, why not give them every chance at a young age to feel they are an amazing artist or in this case, an architect.

  2. To Bill,
    Yes any child with hands could probably create something like this in sketchup. Its not about this design being good or bad, its that a 4 year old is utilizing his creativity and trying to make sense of the “program”. The fact that he used his knowledge of the world around him to produce this shows that he is learning and beginning to understand reality. Its clear in the model that he is starting to recognize different building elements. I bet if you were to do some type of experiment where you told 50 4 year olds to design something using sketchup, more than 70% would likely attempt to design their own house. In which case they would probably mess up the scale. I’m not saying this particular design is amazing, but it definitely shows potential.

  3. To be quite truthful any little child can make such ‘buildings’ and ‘creative designs’ all day long if you give them blocks. I’m not amazed, I’m not impressed. Honestly I’m quite astounded at some people’s naivety in thinking this is creative and innovative.

  4. @matiss
    Hi Matiss,
    Just letting you know Jed’s design has now been up-loaded to the 3D warehouse. It’s under the title ‘Jed’s Masterpiece’. Thanks for the suggestion!

  5. The spatial concepts are all there! Absolutely phenomenal architectural compositions. Jed will go far if he decides to pursue this. He’s also probably the youngest architect to ever be featured on ArchDaily. That should be on his resume in 14 years!

  6. Facinating shapes Jed, I love the purity in your designs. By that I mean they have been designed by a heart and mind that is too young to influenced and tarnished by the constraints and imposed boundries that the ‘world’ puts on creativity and innovation.
    I look forward to seeing your next creation.
    Well done.

  7. @Rafael

    Hi Rafael,
    Thanks so much for the comment. Yes, Jed surprised us all with his little creation. I might try to get some more of his buildings posted in the next few weeks. He has designed a number of other structures that look very interesting.
    Thanks again!

  8. I’m really amazed by your son’s creativity! I’m looking forward to what he might come up with next! Cheers!

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